
Figari Airport

The airport is about 15 miles (24km) from Porto-Vecchio.

Figari Airport (FSC)


The airport is about 15 miles (24km) from Porto-Vecchio.

Getting to the city

A bus service runs between Figari Airport and Porto-Vecchio. Taxis and car rental services are also available.


GMT +1 (GMT +2 from last Sunday in March to last Sunday in October).

Car rental

Avis, Hertz, National, and Europcar offer rental vehicles at the airport.

Airport Taxis

A varity of local taxi companies operate from Figari Airport. Prior booking is advisable.


Airport facilities include a bar, snack bar, souvenir shop, and tobacconist.


Parking is available and is located very close to the terminal.

Sainte Catherine Airport

The airport is located four miles (7km) southeast of Calvi.

Sainte Catherine Airport (CLY)


The airport is located four miles (7km) southeast of Calvi.

Getting to the city

Connections to the city are made by taxi.


Local time is GMT +1 (GMT +2 between last Sunday in March and last Sunday in October).

Car rental

Car rentals are provided by Avis and Europcar.

Airport Taxis

Taxis are parked outside the arrivals area, and provide transport to downtown Calvi.


Facilities include snack shops, vending machines and a nursery room, all located in the central hall.


Short- and long-term parking is available for 200 vehicles. The first 15 minutes of parking is free, the first hour costs about €1.20.