Country guides Middle East
Climate in Israel
Temperatures and weather conditions in Israel vary widely. The northern and coastal regions have a Mediterranean climate, characterised by long, hot, dry summers and short, cool and wet winters. The southern and eastern regions are arid. January is the coldest month, with temperatures ranging from 40F to 50F (4C to 10C), and August is the hottest month with temperatures ranging from 64F to 100F (18C to 38C).
The rainy season runs from October to early May but most of the rain falls between December and February. Israel can experience severe storms and flooding is not unusual in the wet season. The summer months often experience no rainfall at all; rainfall decreases in the south and is not evenly distributed in the country. Israel's higher elevations, including Jerusalem, do sometimes get snow in January and February.
Israel is a year-round travel destination because many of its attractions are not weather dependent, but many travellers prefer to visit in summer, particularly if visiting the beautiful coastline. Early March is also a lovely time to visit, as the countryside comes briefly alive with greenery and flowers after the winter rain.