Country guides
Electrical current is 230 volts, 50Hz. Round two or three-pin plugs are used.
Urdu is the official language, but English is widely spoken and understood. There are also several regional languages and local dialects.
The Pakistani Rupee (PKR) is divided into 100 paisa. Larger shops and hotels commonly accept credit cards, and ATMs are available in big cities. Banking hours are generally 9am to 5pm, Monday to Thursday, but close earlier on Fridays and on weekends. Bargaining is expected in street markets and small stores.
The larger hotels and restaurants add a service charge of 10 percent to their bills, otherwise tipping is not obligatory in Pakistan. However, Baksheesh (a tip) helps get things done more quickly.
A yellow fever vaccination certificate is required for entry to Pakistan by travellers coming from an infected area. Malaria exists in areas below 6,562 feet (2,000m) year round, and travellers should seek medical advice before travelling. Dengue fever is another reason to protect against mosquito bites. Vaccinations for typhoid, Japanese encephalitis (long-term travellers to rural areas) and polio are also recommended. There is a risk of diarrhoeal diseases; visitors should only drink bottled or otherwise sterilised water, and avoid dairy products, uncooked meat, salads, and unpeeled fruit. There is a low risk of Hepatitis E. Outside the major cities there are few hospitals of a high standard. Medical insurance is strongly advised.
Holiday visits to Pakistan are currently not advised and only necessary business travel or visits to family should be contemplated in light of the threat of terrorist activity. Major cities such as Karachi and Lahore have improved their security situations in recent years but are still dangerous. Foreigners of Western origin are particularly likely to be targets for terrorists, including kidnapping. Women are not advised to go anywhere alone. Crime is also high, as are incidents of sectarian attacks and tribal killings. It is recommended that visitors avoid places of worship during busy prayer times and festivals.
Kashmir in the north is regarded as particularly dangerous, with a high incidence of lawlessness and militant activity. It is recommended that all travel to Waziristan and to northern and western Balochistan be avoided, and only essential travel to the Sui area, the Swat Valley in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and to the border areas other than official crossing points be undertaken. Travel by bus and train in Balochistan should be avoided due to repeated bomb plants. Visitors should avoid the centre of Gilgit, as there are occassional outbursts of sectarian violence. It is recommended that road travel along the Karakoram Highway to and from Islamabad be undertaken only during daylight hours.
Local customs
Pakistan is a strict Muslim state and religious customs should be respected, particularly during the month of Ramadan when eating, drinking, and smoking during daylight hours should be discreet as it is forbidden by the Muslim culture. Homosexuality is illegal. It is considered offensive to give, receive or eat with the left hand. Affection between opposite sexes is not shown in public. Women, in particular, are expected to dress and behave modestly in public; even in the large cities shoulders and legs should be covered, and men should not wear shorts. Westerners should expect to be stared at - this is not considered rude in Pakistan, and is purely because you are new and different. Do not take photographs at military establishments, airports, or any infrastructure.
Doing business
In Pakistan, third party introductions are vital to doing business successfully. Building up good working relations and a level of trust is essential and plenty of time will be spent socialising and getting to know each other. Face to face dealings are imperative and meetings are usually conducted somewhat formally. Communication may be somewhat frustrating as Pakistanis can approach things in a roundabout manner, although English is widely spoken and understood. Bureaucracy can also hold up any deals. Punctuality is important, although meetings might not begin on time. Business cards are usually exchanged on greetings. Greetings should be between same sexes only. Business attire is usually formal, and women in particular should dress conservatively. Business hours are usually 9am to 5pm Monday to Thursday and Saturdays. Some businesses are open until 12.30pm on Fridays.
Duty free
Passengers arriving in Pakistan over 18 years do not have to pay duty on either 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars or 500g tobacco, as well as 250ml eau de toilette and perfume, provided that not more than 125ml of that is perfume, and gifts and/or souvenirs up to the value of US $100. The import of alcohol is strictly prohibited for both residents and non-residents, regardless of nationality. Other prohibited items include matches, fruits, plants, and plant material.
The international dialling code for Pakistan is +92. The outgoing international code is 00, followed by the relevant country code (e.g. 0027 for South Africa). Visitors should purchase a local sim card to avoid costly roaming charges.
Passport & Visa
All foreign passport holders require a visa issued in their country of origin (or the nearest consulate if there is no diplomatic representation) to enter Pakistan. A return ticket and all documents needed for next destination are required. All visitors are advised to carry a photocopy of their passport, including the Pakistani visa, at all times. If the stay exceeds 30 days, passengers must register within 30 days at the Immigration Head Office.
Regarding COVID-19, passengers aged 12 and above must present proof that they have been fully vaccinated to take inbound flights to Pakistan. Non-vaccinated passengers who are aged 12 years and above are required to possess a negative PCR test result conducted within 72 hours prior to commencing travel to Pakistan, unless one of the exemptions apply. These cover passengers who hold a medical certificate stating that they have been medically advised not to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, and passengers who travelled outbound from Pakistan before 1 October 2021 who have connecting flights in Pakistan.
It is highly recommended that travellers' passports have at least six months' validity remaining after the intended date of departure from their travel destination. Temporary and emergency passports are not accepted. Immigration officials often apply different rules to those stated by travel agents and official sources.
Entry requirements
US nationals require a valid passport, and a visa.
UK nationals require a valid passport, and a visa.
Canadian nationals require a valid passport, and a visa.
Australian nationals require a valid passport, and a visa.
South African nationals require a valid passport, and a visa.
Irish nationals require a valid passport, and a visa.
New Zealand nationals require a valid passport, and a visa.
Useful contacts
Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation: +92 051 927 2089 or
15 (Police) ; 115 (Ambulance)