
Electrical current in Bangladesh is 220 Volts, 50Hz. Round-pin plugs, flat-blade plugs, triangular three-round-pin plugs and parallel flat pins with grounding-pin plugs are all common.


The country's official language is Bangla. English is the main foreign language.


The local currency is the Bangladeshi taka (BDT). Major cities have ATMS, though credit cards are usually only accepted in Dhaka and Chittagong. Travellers will find moneychangers at Dhaka airport, as well as at most top-end hotels and banks in big cities.


Tipping in Bangladesh is not expected but welcome.


Travellers should see a physician four to six weeks before they arrive to receive necessary immunisations, and begin taking anti-malaria and typhoid medication.

All ordinary immunisations must be current. Hepatitis A and B immunisations are recommended, and anyone heading to rural communities and the outdoors will need immunisations for rabies and Japanese encephalitis as well.

Travellers' diarrhoea is the most common affliction; visitors should drink bottled water and be sceptical of undercooked foods. A yellow-fever vaccination certificate is required for all travellers older than one who are arriving from yellow-fever infected areas.

It's best to seek help outside the country for serious conditions.


Bangladesh is generally safe and few visitors encounter serious crime during their stay. Petty crimes such as pickpocketing occur on crowded buses and at busy markets, but are less common than in other parts of Asia. Visitors can minimise risk even further by concealing jewellery (or not wearing any), travelling during the day, and avoiding public transport if they're exploring alone.

The country has a history of political violence and the domestic situation can become tense. Aggression is very rarely directed at foreigners but travellers should look out for warnings in the media before visiting. The Chittagong Hill Tracts as well as the Myanmar and Indian borders have turned violent in the recent past, so travellers should think carefully before visiting these regions.

Poor road and traffic conditions make city transport dangerous, while ferries are often perilously overcrowded. Monsoon-season cyclones and flooding are a threat, especially in coastal regions and near rivers.

Local customs

Food is always consumed with the right hand in Bangladesh and visitors should remember to wash their hands with water after eating. Shoppers can bargain hard in public markets but not in stores, where goods and services have fixed prices; foreigners should apologise if they accidentally touch someone with their feet.

Local laws, customs and traditions reflect that Bangladesh is a mainly Islamic country, so visitors should ensure that their actions don't cause offense, especially during the holy month of Ramadan. Among other things, same-sex relations are illegal and visitors should dress modestly.

Travellers should also note that Bangladesh is a male-dominated society, despite having prominent women in government.

Doing business

Business attire in Bangladesh is conservative and men usually wear dark-colored suits and shoes. Women wear conservative business suits and blouses and avoid revealing or sleeveless clothes. Dress should never be casual, even though it's always summer in most parts of the country. Men shake hands to greet in business meetings and, if there are any women present, they will most likely offer a polite nod. It's best not to extend a hand to a Bangladeshi woman unless she initiates the first move.

Foreigners should arrive on time for meetings but should be prepared to wait for their local counterparts. There will be a fair amount of small talk during the first meeting, with business matters often reserved for subsequent meetings once this initial contact has been made and the parties are more familiar with each other. Even then, it is considered rude to begin negotiations right from the outset. Meetings are often led by the most senior person who will set the agenda and the pace of proceedings. Generally speaking, the purpose of meetings is to establishing who will make decisions, not for actually making final decisions. Decisions that are made usually come from the top down and can take some time to be finalised.

Duty free

Travellers to Bangladesh may bring with them 200 Cigarettes, 50 Cigars or 225g of tobacco. Travellers are also granted an amount of perfume reasonable for personal use (250ml), and gifts of up to 500BDT in value. Non-Muslims may have two bottles of liquor.


The international access code for Bangladesh is +880, and the outgoing code is 00 followed by the relevant country code (e.g. 0044 for the United Kingdom). Travellers with unlocked phones can purchase local SIMs; cafes, restaurants, all top-end and most midrange hotels provide free wifi.

Passport & Visa

Although some visas are available on arrival these are limited and inconsistently 'given out'. Visa fees depend on embassy and nationality. Israelis are denied entry. A return or onward ticket is required and departure tax depends on onward destination.

Entry requirements

United States passport holders require a valid passport as well as a visa; visas can be issued on arrival for stays of up to 30 days. They can apply to extend their stay.

British passport holders require a valid passport as well as a visa. Visas valid for 30 days can be issued on arrival. They can apply to extend their stay.

Canadian passport holders require a valid passport as well as a visa. Visas valid for 30 days can be obtained on arrival. They can apply to extend to their stay.

Australian passport holders require a valid passport as well as a visa. Visas valid for 30 days can be obtained upon arrival. They can apply to extend their stay.

South African passport holders require a valid passport as well as a visa. However, South Africans with proof of Bangladeshi origin can obtain a 30 day visa on arrival. They can apply to extend their stay.

Irish passport holders require a valid passport as well as a visa. Visas valid for 30 days can be obtained upon arrival. They can apply to extend their stay.

New Zealand passport holders require a valid passport as well as a visa. Visas valid for 30 days can be obtained upon arrival. They can apply to extend their stay.

Useful contacts

Ambulance, fire, police: 999